
Monthly Archives: September 2017

A picture of Kristina Ferenchuk, Holly O'Hanlon and Leanne Yau together with Caroline Broadhead

Bright Young Gems is a unique scheme that each year provides five young designers with an outstanding commercial platform and excellent trade exposure through the opportunity to showcase their work at International Jewellery London.

The Bright Young Gems are selected from final year students who have graduated from UK colleges and universities in the past two years by a prestigious judging panel. This year 3 of the 5 Bright Young Gems were CSM BA Jewellery Design graduates. Congratulations to Kristina Ferenchuk, Holly O’Hanlon and Leanne Yau, whom are pictured above with Bright Young Gems judge Shaun Leane and CSM BA Jewellery Design course leader Caroline Broadhead.

Photo credit: Edward Hill

Picture of Crafts MagazinePicture of Crafts MagazinePicture of Crafts Magazine

We are very pleased to see BA Jewellery Design tutor Lin Cheung as well as recent graduate Lucy Ganley feature in the latest issue Crafts Magazine! Pick up your copy to read about Lin Cheung’s inspiring practice, as the magazine shines a spotlight on the 12 finalists of the 2017 Woman’s Hour Craft Prize and to read about Lucy Ganley’s prison inspired graduate collection.